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Our Bushfires and Wine Regions Map of Southeastern Australia is published as a public service. The bushfires data were updated on 24. January, 2020.
Bushfire data are compiled by the EMSINA Group and Geoscience Australia and sourced from - Australian Capital Territory Emergency Service Agency (esa.act.gov.au)
- New South Wales Rural Fire Service (rfs.nsw.gov.au)
- South Australian Country Fire Service (cfs.sa.gov.au)
- Tasmania Fire Service (fire.tas.gov.au)
- Emergency Management Victoria (emv.vic.gov.au)
The map does not contain Western Australian, Northern Territory, or Queensland Parks Bushfire Boundaries.
This map is not updated on a daily basis and should not be used for emergency management purposes. No intellectual property claims are made for the map data and no liability is accepted.
Wine Regions are from Wine Australia.
This prototype map may contain errors. Please don’t distribute.
Hover mouse over site or on symbol for details.
本文:© 2010 Max Allen
地図:© 2010 Martin von Wyss 無断複写・転載を禁じます。
vW Maps Pty Ltd, Suite 2, 104 Dover St, Richmond, Victoria
This prototype map may contain errors. Please don’t distribute.
オーストラリアワインの産地は、広大な「地域」(zone)、厳格に定められた「地区」(region)、そしてしっかりと狙いを定めた「小地区」(subregion)に区分けされた、地理的呼称(Geographical Indications、GI)で構成されています。公式GIの境界線は法で守られ、地区の名前の入ったラベルのワインを買ったら、中身は必ずその地区で造られたものです。この地図では、ワイン産地として既に確立されている場所に加え、現在正式に登録されていないものの、頭角を現しつつある新たなブドウ栽培地も示しました。
本文:© 2010 Max Allen
地図:© 2010 Martin von Wyss 無断複写・転載を禁じます。
vW Maps Pty Ltd, Suite 2, 104 Dover St, Richmond, Victoria
View the invitation to the Upper Goulburn Winegrowers’ Association Wine Dinner
(Note that vW Maps has nothing to do with the Upper Goulburn Valley wine region other than being the publisher of the Wine Map of Victoria by Max Allen which seeks to promote all the wine regions of Victoria.)
In 2004 Martin was invited to submit a “rant” for Soapbox, the opinion column in Earth Observation Magazine.
Click on the image to read the article as 2-page PDF.